Mumbai, India
Got a chance to go visit Mumbai, India for work. It was pretty cool. I thought driving in Vietnam was crazy but India is even crazier. In the cab, I was literally inches away from another car, car horns would be going off in seconds. Mix this with the intense saturation. It was quite an experience!
I did see some nice sights and get to meet some nice people. My hotel was close to Bollywood but alas, I was too exhausted from work to go out. Maybe I am getting old or the jetlag is really killing my sleep. Not sure. I had fun though!
Gateway of India selfie
Gateway of India with the peeps
I believe this was the metro building
Municipal Corporation Building -Such lights
I learned that “cashmere” is just where the silk is from, its actually from Kashmir. It burns like hair, its relatively strong and doesnt rip apart, and beads water. I bought some scarves for my mom and sis. A rug for me cause it was awesome and totally burn proof.
The Shuttle loom where they make the rugs and scarves. There is a sequence and a pattern that they have to follow in order to get the desired design. I knew about these from selvedge denim but seeing one was pretty neat.
Got some custom Kashmir suits, never had a red suit before but this was opportune
This guy was great, I still have his business card. I will update it once I find it but I highly recommend him for custom tailored things. I am wearing the pants he made for me as I am writing this and they’re still great.
This rug was shown to me, I didnt have the $$ to buy it. or means to transport it. This rug was has gems in it. I believe it actually uses gold as well.
Stopped by Gandhi’s house.
Near my hotel was a great view of the Arabian Sea. I would go on this bridge from my hotel in Bandra to Mumbai.
Bandra - Worli Sea Link
I stayed at the Taj Land’s End. This hotel was AWESOME. The food was great and the resturaunts inside the hotel were great. I was accomodated every step of the way and it was easy to book cabs for work.
Interior lobby